Being Multi-Passionate & Julia's Mini Session

I am multi-passionate. I'm a marketing consultant, portrait photographer, singer and actor, writer, and creative freelancer. I am regularly taking off one hat to don another, and then putting it back on again moments later. Did I mention I'm still balancing my 9 to 5? Yeah. we're at that level. 

So, how am I managing all of these projects? Well, I have to be honest: up until this point, mostly by trial and error.  I have been assuming that perhaps, one of these passions would beat out the others, and BAM! It would be suddenly obvious what my success story will be. But I've found that's really not how things work.

Instead, I've found a way to fit them all in. In the past 7 days I've sang in a wedding, photographed a local business' headshots, wrote a blog about the Top Tips for Moving With Pets, and continued to keep up with my own social media channels. My mind is constantly shifting to the next task, whether it’s photography, music, copy-writing, or social media curation. Notice, there I make no mention of my sanity. Hah! 

For those of you that have read my blog in the past, you may be curious where the heck I’ve been. Why haven’t I been writing?  At the end of last year, I got the chance to go on tour for the first time with a Trans-Siberian Orchestra tribute band. So I prioritized music again, and imagined myself recording my first album in 2018. I didn’t book a single photography session in December 2017.

But in January when I got back, I decided to focus on getting my photography business off the ground. So I turned my attention to photography, and building a Mini Session event that would help generate revenue and create buzz around what I could do behind the lens. 

Flash-forward 6 months, and now I’m re-imagining what my brand and business looks like. I’ve been sectioning off myself for as long as I can remember because to be without a label is to be confusing. When perhaps it’s more confusing to jump around spastically. 

So, here it is. Instead of serving one type of audience, I’m embracing them all. Which brings me to one of the ways I’m beginning to do that, this blog. You’ll be hearing from me more often, with updates on whatever projects I’m churning out, regardless of which side of the lens I’m on. Because I want to share and connect, and really find and define who is supporting me the whole way. 

So here’s a session I did for local actor and close friend, Julia. We met a few years ago, having mutual friends in the St. Louis theatre community and have kept in touch ever since! She’s one of the kindest souls you’ll meet, and I can personally vouch that she throws one heck of a party. We took these during last month’s Mini Session Weekend at Creve Couer Lake, and I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out. 

Is anybody else getting serious Lemony Snicket vibes?